My Why

Wear Pearls NZ was born during my first year of University during Auckland’s lockdown. My grandmother owned her own pearl jewellery business (has done for 15+ years), and I was always wearing her pieces. As people started to ask where my pieces were from, I soon came to discover that there was a gap in the market for affordable, good quality pearl jewellery. My grandmother helped me with product access, and I was off from there.

I taught myself everything I know about my business and how to run it. It hasn’t always been easy but it has definitely been worth it!

My mission of embodying self-love stems from the beauty and confidence my products, and the business, brought me when I was struggling mentally in my personal life. Creating this brand supported me in building my self-confidence and proving to myself that I can do anything I put my mind to.

All my pieces are handmade by me! I hope you love them just as much as I do.


With love,


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